A Systematic and Effective Way to Build Chords and Melodies Anywhere on the Neck of the Guitar

Course Title: Applied Guitar Music Theory

1. Introduction to Music Fundamentals for Guitarists

  • Overview of basic music theory concepts such as notes, intervals, scales, and chords
  • Introduction to the guitar fretboard and understanding its layout in relation to music theory concepts
  • Practical exercises for applying fundamental music theory concepts on the guitar

2. Building Blocks: Major and Minor Scales

  • In-depth exploration of major and minor scales on the guitar
  • Learning scale patterns and fingering techniques across the fretboard
  • Practical application through scale exercises and improvisation

3. Understanding Chord Construction

  • Deconstructing chords: triads and extensions
  • Learning chord formulas and voicings on the guitar
  • Harmonizing scales and understanding chord progressions

4. Exploring Advanced Chord Progressions

  • Analyzing common chord progressions in various music genres
  • Learning advanced chord voicings and substitutions
  • Applying chord progressions to popular songs and compositions

5. Modal Theory for Guitarists

  • Understanding modes and their relationship to scales
  • Exploring major and minor modes (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, Locrian) on the guitar
  • Practical application through modal chord progressions and improvisation exercises

6. Rhythmic Fundamentals and Techniques

  • Study of rhythmic notation and timing
  • Introduction to strumming patterns, picking techniques, and rhythmic embellishments
  • Practical exercises for developing rhythm and groove on the guitar

7. Melodic Development and Soloing Techniques

  • Techniques for crafting memorable guitar melodies
  • Understanding phrasing, dynamics, and expression in soloing
  • Practical exercises for improvisation and soloing over chord progressions

8. Harmonizing Melodies and Ear Training

  • Techniques for harmonizing melodies with chords
  • Ear training exercises for developing chord recognition and improvisational skills
  • Practical application through playing along with backing tracks and transcribing melodies

9. Advanced Guitar Theory Concepts

  • Exploration of advanced topics such as altered chords, chord substitutions, and harmonic analysis
  • Application of advanced concepts in composition and improvisation
  • Practical exercises for integrating advanced theory into musical performance

10. Performance and Integration

  • Putting it all together: integrating theory, technique, and expression in musical performance
  • Strategies for effective practice and performance preparation
  • Guidance on setting goals and continuing musical growth beyond the course